Další jednoduché cvičení pro mé studenty. Teď se ukaž, Jiříku! Tohle je nejmíň za čokotatranku.
1.) She was born in Edinburgh in 1996.
2.) She lived in a farm in Scotland.
I.) How many children did she have? (6)
II.) When did she die? (14th February 2003)
3 jednoduché důvody, proč nevolit Zemana
před 7 lety
3 komentáře:
Very easy for me. It was a sheep named Dolly.
Good bye
She cannot have children... because she died when she was 7years old... here is some mistake...
There was a mistake, sorry... It was just to perplex Jiří. I should have written lambs instead of children (if Dolly had been a goat I could have used "kids"). However, Jiří outwitted my attempt and is the winner of ChocoTatraCookie!